Fanfic: When The Lightning Strikes [Chapter 14]

Thanks for waiting! I went back and edited just a little bit in chapter 12 to make this flow better, so you might want to check if the continuity seems off. I hope this flows okay, because it contains a bunch of small scenes that I wrote during various Camp/NaNos that I really wanted to …
Continue reading Fanfic: When The Lightning Strikes [Chapter 14]

Fanfic: When The Lightning Strikes [Chapter 08]

I’m free from my studies (forever, hopefully, as of December’s results!) so you can expect a lot more of this hopefully. A bit of a fluffy chapter but there is some action at the end! And it’s kinda difficult to write Nozaki in a situation we’ve canonically never seen him in, but I hope he’s …
Continue reading Fanfic: When The Lightning Strikes [Chapter 08]

Fanfic: When The Lightning Strikes [Chapter 07]

I’m spoiling you guys because I know I won’t be able to post much again for the next three weeks – my degree will be complete by mid-September! Anyway, I’m sorry it was a short chapter, but I hope you enjoyed it.

Fanfic: When the lightning strikes [Chapter 04]

I totally forgot to update my website when I first posted this. We’re up to chapter 4! A Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun fanfic where Sakura is a magical girl. I got the idea from some Tumblr posts (and who doesn’t love a magical girl AU anyway?), which are credited at the beginning.